Dr. Kwong part of NCI Think Tank discussing early cancer detection

Dr. Kwong was invited to participate in the Synthetic Biomarkers for Detection of Cancers at Incipient and Early Stages (SYNDICATE) Think Tank Meeting hosted by the Division of Cancer Prevention (DCP) at the National Cancer Institute (NCI), and co-chaired by Dr. Sangeeta Bhatia, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Dr. Sam Gambhir, Stanford University.
The think tank brought together experts in the biomarker community to review the current status of synthetic biomarkers and discuss the challenges in development of biomarkers, to discuss translation of promising synthetic tools safely from preclinical models to humans and the development of new tools, to explore combination with endogenous biomarkers, as well as use as companion diagnostics, patient safety, and a variety of other pertinent topics.
Learn more about the meeting here.